The Cloud Chamber by Joyce Maynard

cloudchamber.jpg  blackstar.gifblackstar.gifblackstar.gif1/2  Realistic plot, characters you care about

I love realistic fiction.  Joyce Maynard writes about real life - including family problems that teens do face today.  She also manages to write a satisfying conclusion without trivializing what the characters experience – not a fake, unrealistic happy ending that occurs in some novels for teens and tweens.

     When Nate comes home from school, he is shocked to see the blue police light flashing in his driveway.  His father staggers from the back yard.  He has blood running down his face, and does not even seem to recognize his own son.  Nate is scared and confused, but his mother and remaining family will not give him any answers.  What has really happened to his dad?  Nate finally learns his father shot himself and though he lived through his suicicde attempt, he is never coming home again.  To make matters worse, Nate has so many other problems to deal with – including a mother who is bitter, angry, and unforgiving.  Nate feels like he has lost both of his parents at the same time.  Most people can rely on other family members and friends to help them get through tough times – not Nate.  His grandfather hates Nate’s father and does not mind criticizing him in front of Nate and his sister.  Nate’s best friends abandon him – who wants to be friends with someone who has a crazy dad? Nate’s mother cannot afford to pay the bills on the farm, and it seems that he will now lose the only home he has ever known.  Could things get any worse?  Unfortunately, yes.  Since the police are unable to find the gun Nate’s father used, suspicion has fallen onto his mother.  Could she be the one who actually shot Nate’s father?  This book is not for the faint-hearted.  Even though this family endures great pain and hardships, they do manage to survive.  Nate eventually learns acceptance over things beyond his control, and he will keep going and keep living – no matter what other obstacles he must face.


  1. One day when Nate comes home from school he is am amazed to see the blue flashing lights, of police cars. he looks and sees to poilcemen draging his farther to a ambulance, with blood pouring from his face. then he finds out the dredful truth, his farther has tried to kill himself.Fallow Nate as he tries find new friends because everyone in a small town knows about your family, and in this town everyperson thinks Nate`s family is nuts, even his best friends.
    You`ll love this book it has a great hook, you will feel bad for these characters. This is one of the saddest books of the year.I very recomend this book aspecilty if you like mystrey and books that alot of emontion. When you begin to raed this you will not want to put it down.

  2. I really loved reading this book mainly because it has a great element of suspense. This book had me constantly flipping the pages for more. When Nate first discovers that his dad shot himself,he wonders if he will able be able to be really happy again. When the sherriff accused Nate's mom of shooting his father, I was really mad at the sherriff. I was constantly hoping that they would finally be able to find the gun and discover the truth. I highly reccommend this book because the characters are easy to relate to.

  3. I thought this book was very good...I liked the fact of how Nate's dad was more different from the other dads...It was sad that the dad shot himself just because his farm bussiness wasn't going all that great...I was really hurt when no one showed up for his sisters party...Now dat right der was messed up...At the end i thought things were going to turn out great like the crop grows back and everything goes great money wise...And the dad would come back and Nate would win the science fair...Not that the dad went blind...But overall it was a good book...It touches you and i reccommend it for everyone.

  4. I thought this book was very good...I liked the fact of how Nate's dad
    was more different from the other dads...It was sad that the dad shot
    himself just because his farm bussiness wasn't going all that great...I
    was really hurt when no one showed up for his sisters party...Now dat
    right der was messed up...At the end i thought things were going to turn
    out great like the crop grows back and everything goes great money
    wise...And the dad would come back and Nate would win the science
    fair...Not that the dad went blind...But overall it was a good book...It
    touches you and i reccommend it for everyone.
