The Revealers - Real Life


What are some reasons why a student may bully another person?


  1. Some reasons that students may bully some other students is that they might get more respect by bullying others like to get popular or maybe it is because they are getting revenge orf when people have bullied them in the past. Somet imes it can be because they have anger problems and that's the way that they get rid of there anger.

  2. Some reasons that students may bully some other students is that they might get more respect by bullying others like to get popular or maybe it is because they are getting revenge of when people have bullied them in the past. Sometimes it can be because they have anger problems and that's the way that they get rid of there anger.

  3. i think people bully others because they have more money then others they are jealous of others also they might be popular and the other person isn't i think this is wrong for people to do.

  4. the reason why people bully other students is because it makes them feel better about themselves. it might make them popular or just for comic effect. some kids make fun of other kids cause everyone else is doing it too. and many kids bully other kids for attention.

  5. I think that a student would bully another student, or anyone in that case would be maybe that they don't get enough attention at home. Or maybe that they have low self- esteem. Maybe they are a little jealous of someone, of what they have. Also, they just might want to take their anger out on someone, and not deal with it themselves. There could be many other reasons also.

  6. I think that a bully is when people pick on other students that are small and people that are smart too.

  7. I think what causes bullying is how people dress, talk, and what color they are.

  8. Because they may have been bullied before or the might have been mistreated.

  9. i think people bully other students is to get respect and to be popular

  10. Someone might bully someone else because they have been bullied

  11. I think what causes bullying is how people dress, talk, or they might be jelous of something they have. Some bullies tell their target that if they really dont want to get hurt they need to pay them a certain amount.

  12. somebody might bully somebody else because they had passed through their and they got angry that they want other people to fill the same way they felt.

  13. I think bullies pick on other people cause they probably was picked on when he/she was little or something like that.

  14. Reasons people may bully other people is because of the persons looks or how they act. Also they may bully because they used to get bullyed so they want to get back at them.

  15. Just to pick on the kidd and make him feel left out.

  16. I think bully's pick on kid's that are smaller them.

  17. Because they have been bullied.

  18. others may bully others because thely sould have been bullied once before.

  19. People might bully people because the bully might be jealous of what they haveand because the want attention.

  20. Bullies are kids that might've been abused when younger. Another reason why someone might bully is because of mental illness. I think that another reason is that they may have missunderstood the bullying as innocent fun instead of being mean.

  21. I thinck that they have been mean to because by there famliy or somehting or been bulied

  22. People might bully each other because they might have been bullied when they where younger.They also might take there revenge out on other people, or they probably bully to get attenion to be cool.

  23. so they can be cool,so they feel tough

  24. I think a person might be bullied bacause they might try to get attention from there friends, or mabe some of there teachers or they might be jealous of the person.They might be bullied before in there old school and try to get revenge.They might just want to bullie a person just because the person was bullied before!!

  25. Sometimes people get bullyed is because they might look different then everybody else. Then people bully people is because they have been bullyed before.

  26. I think that people do it because they are lonly

  27. I think that people pick on other kids because they might not like that kid or the kid might have done somthing to them and then the person will not like them for what they did to them. It also might make people that pick on the kids feel above everyone.

  28. I think that some people bully because they want to be excepted by other people. Others bully because they have been picked on in the past and they are trying to get revenge.

  29. i think people bully other people to make themselves fell higher or better about themselves. if they bully someone else it makes them feel like there "something"

  30. I think some people bully other people, because they don't feel good about their self. Some people do it, because they think if they do it they can get into the "cool" crowd. Some people do it because the person they are bullying bullied them.

  31. the think they are not cool.

  32. cause they could of got bullied at one time and they might have problems at home.

  33. Caleb Baxter (C-Bizzzz)February 20, 2008 at 3:13 AM

    I think people pick on other kids because they feel better when they put other people down. This is a bad way to feel better about yourself. That's one reason they do it is because they don't feel good about themselves and they put other down to make themselves feel good. Most people pick on other kids to fit in or to become popular and fit in. This is not a good way to do this stuff. I think you should leave other kids alone and DO NOT pick on other kids.

  34. I think people bully because they think it makes them seem powerful,and cool.But it doesnt,it just makes them seem just as if they are children...People that bully are total losers for doin it.Theres no reason to bully...Its so not called for!!!

  35. i think people bully because other people tell them to plus it makes them look more peowerful than people smaller than them and to make everyone fear them so they think they could do any thing because they think everyone is scared of them

  36. cause they could of got bullied at home or very sad

  37. Reason why student may bully others, is because they might dont like their religion or the way they dress. Another reason why people might bully others is because they dont like the way they act, for example they might act nerdy, and etc.

  38. because they temselves have been bullied so they feel the need to get back at their classmates. andi also think that they pick on others because they want to feel better about theirselves and they want attention.

  39. Some people think they need to bully other people to make there self fell better about there self, they want to cover up the fact that there getting bullied by some one older or bigger person, so they after some one that they no that they can bully, someone who want say nothin back so they would win the act......

  40. I think people bully other people because they're jealous.

  41. I think people bully people because they been bullied before and now they think they can bully people now some people bully cause they dont have nothing elsa better to do than to talk about somebody.

  42. I think that if a kid was bullied earlier in life then they are more likly to bully other kids or people in the future.
    Also i think that if a kid has a bad setting at home or has bad influence from other people that they will bully people more.

  43. some student may bully or pick on other children because of some promblems they are experiance in there personal life and their past life like seeing there parents devorce or get in lots opf fights. They often will probly bully each other to realese there anger.

  44. Becaues they did not have no friends in there life.

  45. they mit be mad about something about there life and they like to take it out on other people.And they mit just want to pick on kids smaller then them.

  46. I think that other kids bully other kids because they have been bullied or have a problem at home and they feel like they have to take it out on other kids.

  47. They thinh that it is cool to bully people.

  48. Because that student was different

  49. people might bully other people beacause they think that they are more smaller or weaker then them so they think they won't do anything about it but they are probably wrong and see that they won't put up a fight.

  50. some people may bully other people because when they were in school they got bullied and they are trying to releace that anger and they began to relace it on on other people.

  51. The reason I think other people bully eack other because they think its cool and they want to gain respect from others or they are going through a rough time at home

  52. A reason they do this is that the person they bully is not as strong or have money like them.

  53. I think people bully because they fill lonley. Sometimes they might bully to get back at people for when they got bullied. Or they are try to be popular, or something. Or they have anger prombles, and thats the way they get rid of there anger.

  54. i think people bully others because they want attention,or they may feel better about themselves if they put others down. people may also bully others because they want to be popular and known...!

  55. the reason they pick on other people because they got picked at once

  56. Sometimes people bully other people because it makes them feel better about themselves. Maybe they just want attention or to feel accepted. Most kids do it just because they want to be in the "popular crowd". They were probably bullied when they were younger or maybe they are bullying another person to feel better about themeselves. What you wear, say, and the race you are doesn't matter.

  57. I think people bully others so they can feel better about themselves and fit in with the popular people.

  58. because of the other persons diffrences. just because of the way they look or talk dose not mean anything. thats why i think people bully others alot.

  59. Some resson that they might bully another person is because they dont like them or the other person is littler then them and they think it is so funny to pick on littler people!!!!

  60. maybe if they are fat or they have things roge with them or may be someing they have on or they would be waring.

  61. thay pickon outher bacuse thay are being pick on thir seave so thay fill that thay ned ot pick on outher to make them fill beater

  62. lil wayne (Weezy F. Baby)March 12, 2008 at 3:09 AM

    man,I think other people bully others because they got some horrible emotions they got to get out and they are having a hard time at home


  64. i think they have so much anger that they think they have to take it out on other people

  65. the only reason bullies bully anather student is cuz they dint like them

  66. one reason a student may get bulyed is b-cuz they have been bullyed or someone has hurt them in some sort of way in some way in there past they neeed to realelwhat it has done to them

  67. they would get bully from there size or just if the bully will try to big and bad and bully little kinds

  68. Bullies may bully other people because they could have been bullied when they were smaller or in the past by some other bully. Other reasons for bullies is they might bully is for fun, to make them look tough, or maybe because they could possibly be sexually or physicaly bullied. And it makes the bully feel strong and better than other people.

  69. I think that bulling other people make them feel better and powerful.

  70. I think that one student might bully another because they might have problems in their house and they dont want to tell anybody so they bully another studnet so the other student would feel the same way they do.

  71. i think the only reaosn someone is cuz they have been bullied 4rm the past.

  72. i think the only reaosn why someone bullies another pewrson is cuz they have been bullied 4rm the past.

  73. some people bully another kids cause they probably need friends and they have lots of problems at home and they are stuck between all of this stuff that is going on.

  74. I agree with sam.

  75. Because they have know friends and are nerds.

  76. They do it B-cuz they have been bullied so much that they think its right 2 do it 2 other people

  77. this book was very good.the children in this book that were being bullyd accually stood up to their bullys.the web site accually mad a diffrence in their school.some bullys accually changed and some of the bystanders were accually standing up for themselves.the badest bully at thier school acually stop bullying.the principal changed her ways of seeing things at the end because her boss thought the whole website was a good idea i think that it was their lucky year.!!!
