Stand Up! Stop Bullying!

A special thank you for the Greer Partnership for Tomorrow...  Due to the funding received from this partnership, we were able to purchase The Revealers and incorporate the Stand Up! Stop Bullying! program at DR Hill.


  1. britanny shacklefordMarch 7, 2008 at 3:04 AM

    I think that bulling is a little bad and that some people have problems with bullies because there is one kid at school and people push him around and the teachers never do anything about it, i don't know if he doesn't tell or if the teachers never do anything about it. Also when people and teachers kids will bully each other and make jokes about them.

  2. People i know have been through bullying during thier lifes. Some of them dont know how to handle it, and they come to me with there problems and i feel sorry for them. I just hope that this does not lead to death or something else. The person who has been doing this has not yet been confronted, but they will because of karma. But i will be there for my friend no matter what happens.

  3. I think that bulling is a bad thing. I think that it really dosen't occur at this school beacauseI have never seen it. Even when bulling does occur no one takes it serious enough.

  4. J@zzy-p0oh th3 1 & 0nlyMarch 7, 2008 at 3:08 AM

    on my bus we have a little of the bulling it's like talkin bout people and callin names back & fourth and they r bulling each other this has be3n and there punishment was getting kicked off the bus 4 3days.

  5. some people get bullied at this school and the teachers and principal don't do anything about or if the kids tell them then they still don't do anything about i think that teachers should be more alert.

  6. you wont find out =]]]]]]]]]=[[[[[[[[[[=March 12, 2008 at 3:05 AM

    the way people are getting treated now, they wont tell anyone.they keep it inside and then they feel so bad.they want to hurt someone and then they hurt or kill them self.

  7. i think bullying is a very bad thing

  8. i think bullying people is a bad thing to do

  9. We defenitly need to stop bullying others!
