Revealers - Real Life


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At school, what is the most comfortable room (or class) for you to be in? Why?


  1. I feel comfortable at recess because it is the only place where you can move around and have a little fun and not be so quiet.

  2. The cool plase at school is in Mrs. Ferguson's room at the window looking at the view of the mountains.

  3. some places that i feel safe in at school, are Mr. Barnett's room. he is cool, but he also keeps his classroom under controll. that's what i love about his class. i also, feel safe in the library, where i can just read and sit quietly inside, in the chiar. and how it is so quiet, you would know if anything wrong was going on.

  4. i feel most comfertable in mr. barnett's room and the library. Mr. barnett's room becuase he makes the atmosphere light hearted and playful. The library because its the only place during the day that i can get my extra work done or just come in here to read and relax.

  5. i think the most koolest room is p.e and you may still get pick on may and then again you may not

  6. The most comfortable place for me is orchestra, because we all have fun.

  7. The most comfortable place for me is orchestra, because we all have fun, and we all get along.

  8. The comfortable room i have in school is the art room b/c i have a lot of fun and forget about what people say to me or done to me.

  9. My favorite place to be is anywhere b/c I don't get picked on.

  10. the cool places in the room is anywhere because i don't get picked on because i got more friend then some people so they will have my back.

  11. When i first came to D.R Hill i figure out that some people were nice and other where NOT!

  12. ????????????????????????March 12, 2008 at 3:03 AM

    The safe as room in our school is In ISS.

  13. Carolina Gamecocks RULE!!!March 14, 2008 at 3:08 AM

    I feel safe in every clase because i never get bullied or picked on

  14. i agreed with Eli n Zack b/c i am popular so nobody will be picking on me.

  15. i love this book because Russel and his friends stood up for
    themselves and that was very brave of them to do.I feel safe in school because i don't get picked on. :)
