Revealers page 27


"The new girl stood up. People started whispering. "I am from near Manila. In the Philippines," she said, and sat down. The whispers turned into giggling." (Page 27)


  • How must if have felt for Catalina to be laughed at and whispered about on her first day in a new school?
  • What motivates people to treat those who are different as outsiders?
  • What would it take at your school to make those who are new or different feel welcome?

    1. For Catilina to be whispered on her first day must have made her feel really bad. To be in style motivates people and to be like everyone else does too. For people to get to know them and to treat them like they were their friends.

    2. I bet Catalina felt horrible and bad.

    3. I think all the school needs to do is be kinder and not judge people from how they look, talk, or do something.

    4. To make someone new feel welcome I would show them around and try to make friend with them.

    5. It must feel terible to be laughed at.

    6. It must have been embarrising for her.

    7. you can make people welcome at a new school by let them hang out with u and your friends or let them meet everone to make them feel welcome and happy.

    8. It most likely made her feel bad. To make a person feel welcome I would talk to them and, try to become their friend. I would also show them around to let them meet other people.

    9. What I would to make a new preson fell welcome is go up and talk to them, hang out with them, and let them met my friends, and try to be their friend.

    10. to help someone new feel welcome in the school is to be friendly and nice to them. Most new people get bullyied because nobody really knows what there like and everyone seems not to like new people.

    11. i think that you should treat people with repet and not treat people diffent from each other.

    12. i think u should let them hang out with you and let set with you at lunch and make sure they are not getting left out.

    13. what i think about the new comers from a different school is that everybody needs to be treated equally and not judge anybody on the way they look,or talk

    14. I garrantee you she was really very very verrrrrry sad.

    15. I think Catalina felt very upset.

    16. Throw a party or something for them or write them a welcome letter

    17. puff daddy (yooooooo)March 20, 2008 at 3:13 AM

      mabe you could show them around and get to know them.
