Pretty: To be or not to be….




Tally has decided to turn over her coded message from Shay to the Specials.  Do you view this decision as an act of betrayal?  Why or why not?


  1. I think it is an act of betrayal because she promised shay she would keep it between hre and shay. And breking a promies is not werth it.

  2. I dont think its an act of betrayal.
    They tell her about the other people that went to the Smoke and how they were never heard from again. And she is telling them more because she wants to protect Shay, not just because she feels like it and wants revenge for Shay leaving her.

  3. i do belive that this was betrail because tally and shay are very good freinds and this could have caused the ending of there friendship for now and forever.

  4. i do belive that this was betrail because tally and shay are very good freinds and this could have caused the ending of there friendship for now and forever.She made a promis to keep ithe secret between her and Shay, and she did the exact opppisete of what she said she would do.

  5. thies is a act of betrayal becouse she spiols her friends secret
