So I have been a little slack. And a lot busy! It's time to get rolling again with our student book club! First, we need a name for our book club. Something very coolish...Any ideas?
Also, we will meet in December for our first discussion - Not As Crazy As I Seem by George Harrar.
More info to come! Can't wait to see you all at our first meeting! Check back later for our blog discussion.
Mrs. S
This book is a basically a real life story of a boy who had it made out for him, then one day he opens up the door, and the 5-0 is outside, wanting to arrsst his dad for insider trading,
ReplyDeleteI sort of liked this book, besides the fact of living with your crazy aunt.
My favorite character was the Dad, for he was the clean-suit crimial type....
Yes I do think Brett changes by the end of the book, for he learns how hard it is to live without the live of a pool filled with money.
One of the themes for this book is real life situations.
A reader can learn that money is not everything, so do not think the more money you have, the more popular you are.
I really enjoyed reading this book it was intresting to see the changes that Brett went through.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite chararcter would have to be Brett he has a very intersting out look on his life and what he went through. I think that he is a very good character.
I think that he has changed by the end of the book and has come to terms with what has happend to his family.
the lesons about life that is taught is to try except what happens to you in life and if you can't try not hurting the other people around you but don't be afraid to voice your opinion, just in a better way then Brett did.
1. It was okay. I didn't like the way he was complaining about his life all the time.
ReplyDelete2. My favorite charecter was alfie because he was old and wise.
3. Yes, he learns that everything can't go his way.
4. A life lesson that a reader can get from the book is that every thing can't go their way.
1. Did you enjoy reading this book? Why or why not? I did enjoy reading this book. I enjoyed it because it tells the real life struggles of a teenager, all of us go through those problems in life so i really understood what was going on!
ReplyDelete2. Who is your favorite character? My favorite character was Alfie, he was such an on the go character and was such full of life. He was nice and never got mad, he was so forgiving.
3. Do you think Brett changes by the end of this novel? If so, in what way? I think Brett did change by the end of this novel becasue near the beggining of the book, Brett said that he did NOT love his father, but by the end he said that he loved his father in a weird way. I don't think that if he didn't love his father then he wouldn't drive for hours to go see him. So I think that him and his father really did grow close and that Brett really did change.
4. What are some of the themes of this book or what life lessons can the reader learn from this story? I think that some life lessons the reader can learn from this book are to live life to the fullest because when it's gone it's gone. Alfie did just that, he lived life to the best of his abilities. I mean he survived three heart attacks and was still going at it. And another life lesson would be to think before you say. Brett said some really harsh things to his fahter and mother. At times I don't think that Brett meant some of those things, he really hurt his father and should have taken under consideration what he was saying and what the outcome could be.
I really enjoyed this book because it had humor in it, but it had a lesson. My favorite character in the book was Alfie. I liked him because he was just a cool guy, and new a lot. I do think Brett changed at the end of the story because he was so much nicer to his dad. I believe Alfie inspired Brett. I think everybody should read this book it was great.
ReplyDelete1. Yes, I really enjoyed reading this book. It taught me to not take what I have for granted and it was kind of a good reality check for me.
ReplyDelete2.My favorite character is Brett because no matter how bad things were, he still in a way saw hope. Along with Brett, I also thought Alfie was really cool. He kind of took Brett in and gave him a chance. He really helped Brett and listened to his problems in such a rough time in his life.
3. Yes, I think Brett had changed by the end of the book. He had started to develope sort a wierd love for his father which was something he definately didn't have at the beginning of the book, in fact he hated his father for lying to him and his family, which pretty much put them on the streets and left them to fend for themself.
4. A big life lesson you could learn from this story would be to not take what you have for granted, because you can lose everything within moments. The story of Brett's situation kind of reminded me of Job in the bible. He lost all of his riches in one day along with all ten of his children.
The lesson of this book is that your life can't always be perfect bad things happen even if you are rich. My favorite part is when Brett is working with Alfie and he drives like a maniac. What made me mad was how Brett treated his father when he was in prison and Brett would just walk out and he didn't even say bye or I love you and he disrespected his mom. I think everybody should read this book because it's sad and funny. I dont think Brett learned his lesson even though he was nice to his dad in the end.
ReplyDelete1. Yes I enjoyed reading this book. It was exciting with a little bit of humor to it. It also shows that when life goes the way you don't expect it to, then you can survive if you really want to.
ReplyDelete2. My favorite character was Alfie because even though he struggled and was old, he was still there for people and did all of his duties.
3. Yes, I do think that Brett changes by the end of this novel because he learns that life isn't all money and living the big life. He learns that you have to work to survive in life you can't just sit back and relax all the time.
4. A life lesson that someone could get from this book would be that life doesn't always turn out how you plan it and that even through tough times life goes on and there is always an up side to everything you go through.
1. I did enjoy reading this book because I don't like how rich kids get everything they want without working for it. I was gad that Brett got to see what it was like not being able to lay around in a big house and do nothing. But I am glad he learned something.
ReplyDelete2. My favorite character was Alfie because taught Brett alot of useful stuff for the real world.
3. I think Brett did change because he not obsessed with being rich anymore.
4. A person can learn that it's not always about working hard, but working smart.
this book is so awsome i love it so much i would not whant to be as organized as him i mean i would not get mad because a picture was crooked he really must be a good drawer
ReplyDeleteQuestion One: 1.One thing that Devon does that is different is that he eats or does everything in four. 2.Another thing odd about Devon is that he saw a cooked poster and it bothered him. 3.A third thing strange about Devon is that it bugs him to eat in a lunch room with a bunch of other people. Question One part Two: Devon's behavior does seem strange to me because he noticed a cooked poster that bothered him. Most people woulden't have even noticed. Question Two:Yes- Question Two part Two:I think Devon is a normal 15 year old high school student because he had to face a guy about a girl devon hangs out with and a girl the guy used to go out with. Question Three:No-Question Three part Two:I would not want Devon as a friend because I would eat in the lunch room and he woulden't. Also I would get mad at Devon for always having things in four.